Pengembangan Media Teka-Teki Silang Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Tema Lingkungan Sahabat Kita Di Kelas 5 SDN 5 Silih Nara


  • Rossamina Simehate Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


The quality of learning is a measure that shows how high the quality of the interaction between educators and students that occurs in the learning environment to achieve learning objectives. To increase students' learning motivation, the use of educational game media that can attract students' interest in the learning process, a variety of educational game learning media that can be used, one of which is crossword puzzle media. The purpose of this study was to find out more clearly the description of the development of crossword puzzle media and whether or not the media development was effective on the theme of our friend's environment in Class 5 SDN 5 Silih Nara. The type of research used is R&D (Research and Development). While the model used is the ADDIE model. The results of large-scale research, from the responses of media, design and language experts, the acquisition of scores with very decent criteria, namely 91.67 and student assessments of the crossword puzzle media through questionnaires/questionnaires, got a total average of "Very Good". seen in the average overall score of 3.88. If based on the range of values, the number 3.26-4.00 gets the "Very Good" criteria. Therefore, it can be concluded that the development of crossword puzzle media can be used properly and can be a medium for all lessons in elementary school.






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