Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills Through TPACK-Based Mathematics Approaches


  • milis asifa Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


Keywords: Critical Thinking, Mathematics Learning Approach, TPACK


This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Teupah Barat, Simeuleu Regency. As for the objects in this study, namely class X Mia-2 SMAN 1 Teupah Barat. This study aims to determine the increase in students' critical thinking skills in learning mathematics through a TPACK-based learning process. By using descriptive qualitative method. After using the TPACK-based mathematics learning approach in class X Mia-2 it was shown that out of 25 students who scored critical thinking skills in the low category (24%), medium category (52%), and high category (24%). The average score of the critical thinking ability test results obtained is 59.56. In this study objects that have high-level critical thinking skills fulfill both indicators of critical thinking including synthesizing and problem solving skills, high critical thinking objects can explain, describe, understand, plan, implement, and can conclude the final results properly and completely. Objects that have critical thinking skills are fulfilling both indicators of critical thinking. Of the two indicators of critical thinking, there are six aspects of critical thinking indicators, objects of critical thinking are only able to fulfill four aspects of critical thinking, including explaining, planning, understanding and implementing problems properly. Then objects that have low-level critical thinking skills. Where the object of low-level thinking is only one indicator of critical thinking that is fulfilled from the two indicators of critical thinking, the two indicators of critical thinking have aspects of critical thinking that can be done by objects of low critical thinking, namely understanding problems and implementing problems.









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