me The effect of physical fitness exercises (SKJ 2012) on the physical fitness of students of SD Negeri Rantau Gedang 2022/2023

Introduction, research methods, research results and discussion, conclusions and suggestions and bibliography


  • rahman uddin mahasiswa


SD Negeri Rantau Gedang actively doing gymnastics, but Gymnastics physical freshness is not done regularly, there are three times and some are carrying out exercises four times each week and similarly done by physical freshness, requires for students to do gymnastics physical freshness elementary school age before class starts. This will certainly affect the level of physical freshness of the students in SD Negeri Rantau Gedang. This study aims to determine the effect of physical fitness exercises (SKJ 2012) on the physical fitness of students of SD Negeri Rantau Gedang in 2022/2023. This study uses a quantitative approach. This type of research is experimental. The sample was 17 students. The data collection technique was carried out with a 12-minute running test. Based on the results of data processing, it is known that there is an effect of physical fitness Gymnastics exercises on the physical freshness of sixth grade students of SD Negeri Rantang Gedang. Where the initial test run 12 minutes showed a percentage of 17 (100%) samples contained each 47% in the category of moderate and less. While after the physical fitness exercise obtained a percentage of 17 (100%) sample work improvement where 70% of the category is, 24% Good and only 6% less category. The average value of the increase in the level of physical fitness of students from pree test of 2.04 in the medium category to 2.31 in the medium category

Keywords: the effect of Physical Fitness Gymnastics, physical freshness of students






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