efektivitas kegiatan kolase terhadap perkembangan motorik halus pada anak kelompok B di TK AL-Washliyah Banda Aceh


  • Siti Rahmawani universitas bina bangsa getsempena
  • siti rahmawani Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


Keywords: Fine motor, collage activity.


Fine motor movements are movements that are muscle coordination that requires the ability to control fine movements. But the fact is that what happened in group B at Al-Washliyah Kindergarten Alue Naga Banda Aceh has not fully developed the fine motor skills of children so efforts are needed to improve it. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of collage activities to improve the fine motor development of group B children in Al-Washliyah Kindergarten Banda Aceh. This study used a quantitative approach with a pre-experimental design, the research subjects were 11 children. The data was collected through observation and documentation, the collected data were analyzed using t-test statistics (t-test). The results showed that collage activities were effective in increasing the fine motor development of group B children at Al-Washliyah Kindergarten Banda Aceh, namely before the collage activity, 18.18% of children had not developed, 36.36% of children began to develop, and 45.45% of children developed. according to expectations. After 54.55% of collage activities developed very well, 36.36% developed as expected and only 9.09% began to develop. This result is proven by testing the hypothesis that t-count > t-table (14.39 > 1.81) at a significant level (α ) 5% and degrees of freedom (db) 10.






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