Analisis Kemampuan Membaca permulaan Anak Kelompok B di TK Alam Pelangi Banda Aceh


  • mauizah zahra Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


Analysis, Children's early reading ability.


Beginning reading introduction is very necessary to be given to children. Through preliminary reading activities, children will recognize letter symbols, letter shapes, letter sounds and read words. This is in accordance with the Minister of National Education Regulation Number 137 of 2014 which states that language development in the scope of literacy at the age of 5-6 years is to mention letter symbols that are known to understand the relationship between sounds and letter shapes, read and write their own names. This study aims: 1) To determine the early reading ability of Group B at Alam Pelangi Kindergarten Banda Aceh, 2) To find out activities that will improve children's early reading skills, 3) To find out what are the obstacles faced by teachers in teaching early reading skills to children. Group B at Alam Pelangi Kindergarten in Banda Aceh. This study uses a qualitative approach. The data used in this study were obtained from interviews with teachers of group B at TK Alam Pelangi Banda Aceh, totaling 2 people and observations of TK B children totaling 20 children. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study show that early reading is very important for early childhood which will be the initial foundation in reading. The difficulties experienced by students in early reading lie in recognizing letters when spelling, some children still do not recognize letters. However, for every difficulty faced, there must be a solution. The solution to overcome the difficulty of reading beginning in group B children at Alam Pelangi Kindergarten Banda Aceh is done by introducing letters and syllables to children by repeating each letter so that it is easier for children to remember each word. letters well on a regular basis. The obstacle faced by the teacher in improving the initial reading ability of group B children at Alam Pelangi Kindergarten is that not all children can understand it well, because children's abilities are different and their responses are lacking. The reason for the emergence of these obstacles lies in the delivery method which is carried out through a different process because the development of children is also different so the delivery is also different.






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