A Hubungan Kekuatan Otot dengan Kemampuan Servis Bola Voli di SD Negeri 8 Kebayakan. Skripsi. Program Studi Pendidan Jasmani. STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena.

Hubungan Kekuatan Otot dengan Kemampuan Servis Bola Voli


  • Suryati Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Zikrur Rahmat Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Didi Yudha Pranata Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


Arm Muscle Strength, Lower Service


The ability to serve under students is still not optimal, it can be seen that students' services often go out of the field, do not reach or get caught in the net and the service is not directed, not fast and hard, making it easier for the opponent to receive the ball. The formulation of the problem in this study is: there is a relationship between arm muscle strength and the ability to serve under volleyball in fifth grade students at SD Negeri 8 Kebayakan. This study aims to determine the relationship between arm muscle strength and the ability to serve under volleyball in fifth grade students at SD Negeri 8 Kebayakan. The approach used in this study was quantitative with the correlation method. The population in this study were fifth grade students at SD Negeri 8 Kebayakan for the 2020/2021 academic year, totaling 11 students. The sampling technique is total sampling, so the sample in this study amounted to 11 students. The data collection technique used was a test of arm muscle strength (push ups) and lower service ability. The data analysis technique used is by calculating the mean (mean), standard deviation (SD), correlation coefficient and significant test. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between arm muscle strength and the ability to serve under volleyball in fifth grade students at SD Negeri 8 Kebayakan. The results of the analysis obtained that the t-count value of arm muscle strength on lower service ability was 3.093, while the t-table with 11-2 degrees of freedom (dk = 9) at the significance level = 0.05 was 1.833. This means that the t-count value is greater than the t-table value or 3.093 1.833.

