
  • Iftiqar Rizal Penjas
  • Zikrur Rahmat Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Tuti Sarwita Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


Heading technique in soccer is a technique of heading the ball using the head in a jumping position which aims to block the ball and even score a goal, this technique is carried out by a player by jumping with both feet and heading the ball in the air by bouncing the body towards the back so that the header and the direction of the ball is as desired but not all players can do this technique properly and correctly. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether there is a contribution of togok flexibility with ball heading abilities in Aceh Talent SSB athletes? The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a contribution of togok flexibility with

the ability of Jump heading. This type of research is quantitative research because the data in this study are in the form of numbers and analysis using statistics. From the results of testing the fourth hypothesis which shows that there is a simultaneous contribution between togok flexibility and ball heading ability in the Aceh Talent U 11 soccer game. Based on the calculation results, the correlation coefficient value is 0.508 which is explained through the regression equation and X. These results further strengthen the results of hypothesis testing. Thus the flexibility of the stick can be a good predictor of the ball heading ability in soccer games. That is, if the flexibility of the stick is categorized as good, it can be ascertained that the ball heading ability in soccer games will be better. Based on the calculation results, the correlation coefficient value is 0.508 which is explained through the regression equation and X. These results further strengthen the results of hypothesis testing. Thus the flexibility of the stick can be a good predictor of the ball heading ability in soccer games. That is, if the flexibility of the stick is categorized as good, it can be ascertained that the ball heading ability in soccer games will be better. Based on the calculation results, the correlation coefficient value is 0.508 which is explained through the regression equation and X. These results further strengthen the results of hypothesis testing. Thus the flexibility of the stick can be a good predictor of the ball heading ability in soccer games. That is, if the flexibility of the stick is categorized as good, it can be ascertained that the ball heading ability in soccer games will be better.The results of the above analysis, obtained the T-count value ofThe flexibility of the stick to Heding's Abilityas big as2,128. This means that the T-count value is greater than the T-table value.

