
  • Rizka Ilmawahyu Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Wahidah Nasution Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Rika Kustina Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


Intertextual, novel, comparison, novel intrinsic elements.


The aims of this study are (1) to describe and explain the structural integration of the novel
Percikan Darah di Bunga by Arafat Nur and the novel Cinta Kala Perang by Masriadi
Sambo; (2) Describe and explain the similarities and differences in the structural elements
of Arafat Nur's novel Percikan Darah di Bunga and Masriadi Sambo's novel Cinta Kala
Perang; (3) Describe the intertextual relationship between Arafat Nur's novel Percikan
Darah di Bunga and Masriadi Sambo's novel Cinta Kala Perang. The method used in this
research is a qualitative descriptive method using content analysis or content analysis.
Sources of data in this study in this study are: (1) Novel Percikan Darah di Bunga by
Arafat Nur (2) Novel Cinta Kala Perang by Masriadi Sambo. Data collection techniques in
this study used document study techniques. Test the validity of the data using source
triangulation techniques. Data analysis techniques in this study used interactive analysis
techniques in the form of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The
results of this study are: (1) The two novels have a solid building element (2) The building
elements of the two novels have similarities and differences. Among them: themes namely,
the growth and death of love in times of war; the plot of the two novels has similarities,
namely the forward plot; the time setting and the place setting have similarities, namely the
Aceh conflict or war which is estimated to be in 1976 adjusted to the birth of the Free Aceh
Movement and the setting of the place that covers the whole, namely North Aceh; the
characters and characterizations of the two novels have similarities, namely the main
female character who has a stubborn and determined character or character, the central
additional character is a male who has an authoritative character or character; The point of
view of the two novels has differences, namely in the novel Percikan Darah di Bunga
using the third person point of view "he" and the novel Cinta Kala Perang using the first
person point of view "I"; The social setting in the two novels is different, in the novel
Percikan Darah di Bunga, the main character is depicted as having an affluent life, while
in Cinta Kala Perang the main character is described as living in poverty; The language
style of the two novels has differences, in the novel Percikan Darah di Bunga the
Indonesian language is monotonous, while the novel Cinta Kala Perang uses Indonesian
and Acehnese languages; The messages in the two novels have something in common that
conveys the message that can be taken, namely do not dispute the words of your parents,
even though you are in a state of war, the spirit continues to burn both in work, college and

