Analisis Kerjasama Guru Dan Orang Tua Dalam Meningkatkan Hafalan AlQur’an (Surah Pendek) Anak B5 Di TK Poteumeureuhom


  • Resi Yasrita Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Millata Zamana Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Yenni Mutiawati Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


cooperation between teachers and parents, memorizing the Qur'an.


Given the importance of instilling religious values so that it becomes a serious
concern so that it requires cooperation between the school and parents, for this
reason the researcher wants to see how teachers collaborate between schools and
parents in helping children memorize the Qur'an The formulation of the problem
in this study is how to collaborate with teachers and parents in improving the
memorization of the Qur'an (short suras) to children. The purpose of this study
was to find out how to collaborate with teachers and parents in improving the
memorization of the Qur'an (short suras) to children. The research approach used
is a qualitative approach. The methods used are Interview, Observation, and
Documentation. The results obtained indicate that the way teachers and parents
collaborate in improving the memorization of the Al-Qur'an (short surahs) for
grade B5 children at Poteumeureuhom Kindergarten is by establishing
communication through whatsapp, liaison books and parenting activities carried
out by the school, with the existence of a liaison book can overcome
communication difficulties, but in this case several obstacles were found, namely
where parents had difficulty in managing time and did not respond well, but
these obstacles were overcome by teachers continuing to provide information
about children's development and learning at school to parents, Because it
motivates parents to respond via whatsapp or write a reply in the contact book.
Suggestions in this study are to always work with teachers and parents in
improving the ability of children and teachers and parents to learn about the
right method to be used to guide children in reading the Qur'an (short suras).

