
  • Apriza Lupita Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Fitriati Fitriati Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Teuku Mahmud Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


student understanding level, pantun


This thesis describes the level of students' understanding of the pantun material
(especially KD 3.9 and KD 4.9) class VII-1 of SMP Negeri 8 Banda Aceh. Students'
understanding is very important for teachers to know because knowing the level of
students' understanding of the pantun material (KD 3.9 and KD 4.9) will affect the
teacher in providing the next higher level material (KD 3.10 and KD 4.10). The
approach and method used in this study is a qualitative approach with a descriptive
method. The data sources in this study were Indonesian language teachers for class
VII-1, namely Mrs. Fauziah, S. Pd, and students of grade VII-1 of SMP Negeri 8
Banda Aceh. The data from this study are the results of interviews between researcher
and teacher about the level of students' understanding of pantun material (especially
KD 3.9 and KD 4.9) and the results of student answers related to the pantun material
(test) that the researcher has previously distributed to students. Based on the results of
research that has been obtained by researcher, the results of interviews and the results
of student answers about the level of understanding of the students from class VII-1
from SMP Negeri 8 Banda Aceh were categorized as good. This can be proven by the
results of interviews between researcher and teacher who stated that students are able
to understand the material of pantun and it can also be proven from the results of
student scores who reach the KKM totaling 29 students with a percentage of 80.6%,
students who do not reach the KKM totaling 3 students with a percentage 8.3% and
students who did not attend were 4 students, specifically 11.1%. Based on these
calculations, it can be concluded that the level of students' understanding in pantun
material (especially KD 3.9 and KD 4.9) class VII-1 is categorized as good. The
suggestion that the researcher conveys is that teachers are expected to be more
creative in choosing and creating learning media, especially in pantun material so that
learning can run well and students can understand the material better.

