Analisis Kemampuan Siswa Dalam Meningkatkan Kepercayaan Diri Melalui Metode Bercerita Pada Kelompok B1 di TK Save The Kids Banda Aceh


  • Silvia Husna YF Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Ayi Teiri Nurtiani Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Intan Kemala Sari Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


Analysis, Storytelling Method, Student Confidence.


Confidence is an important thing that must be owned by children to tread
the wheel of life. The results of observations made by researchers during
PPL at Save The Kids Kindergarten Banda Aceh, found problems that
children lack the courage to come forward, children are afraid to speak in
front of their friends, children always complain in every learning activity,
children do not interact with their environment. The formulation of the
problem in this study is how is the ability of students to increase selfconfidence through the method of storytelling in group B at Save The Kids
Kindergarten Banda Aceh?. This study aims to determine whether the
storytelling method can increase students' self-confidence through the
Storytelling Method in Group B at Save The Kids Kindergarten Banda Aceh.
The approach used is a quantitative approach with a one-group pre-testpost-test design. The data used in this study were obtained from the
observations of children. Data collection techniques in this study were
pretest and post-test. The results indicated that the average self-confidence
through the storytelling method in Group B at Save The Kids Kindergarten
Banda Aceh was 29.02 for the pretest average and 37.24 for the post-test
average for children. In addition, based on the calculation of the hypothesis
test t obtained t_table = t((1-α, n-1) ) = t((0.95)(16))=1.746, so that the value
of t-score>t-table is 10.27> 1.746, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.
Thus it can be concluded that the use of the storytelling method can
increase students' self-confidence in Group B at Save The Kids
Kindergarten Banda Aceh. It is expected that teachers apply this storytelling
method to increase students' self-confidence. The storytelling method used
by the researcher is to tell the story of the friendship of the monkey and the

