Analisis Metode Bermain Peran Dalam Menstimulasi Kecerdasan Spiritual Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun di PAUD Ibnu Sina Aceh Besar


  • Rita Susila Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Millata Zamana Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Ayi Teiri Nurtiani Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


Role Playing Method, Children's Spiritual Intelligence.


Children's spiritual intelligence has not developed optimally, where children are
less orderly when praying, children still often fight with each other, children lack
honest, polite and respectful behavior with fellow friends and teachers, and
children cannot control themselves when eating snacks or buying toys and children
often littering. This is because the methods used by teachers are less effective and
varied in stimulating children's spiritual intelligence. One method that is expected
to increase spiritual intelligence is the role playing method. Based on these
problems, the researcher is interested in researching a study entitled "Analysis of
Role Playing Methods in Stimulating Spiritual Intelligence of Children 5-6 Years Old
at PAUD Ibnu Sina Aceh Besar". The purpose of this study was to determine the
analysis of the role playing method in stimulating the spiritual intelligence of
children aged 5-6 years at PAUD Ibnu Sina Aceh Besar. This study uses a
qualitative approach with a descriptive type of research. The research subjects in
this study were teachers at PAUD Ibnu Sina Aceh Besar, totaling 3 people and
observing 10 children. Data collection techniques in this study are interviews,
observation and documentation. The results indicated that the description of
spiritual intelligence using the role-playing method was carried out with circle
activities, where children read prayers such as prayers before going to bed, they
pretended to sleep as if they were going to sleep and then woke up as if they had
woken up by reading a wake-up prayer. sleep. Observation results show that 10%
of children's spiritual intelligence has not developed, 20% is starting to develop,
50% is developing according to expectations and 20% is developing very well.

