Pengembangan Media Poster Pada Pembelajaran IPA Kelas IV SD Subtema Kekayaan Sumber Energi untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif Siswa


  • Simah Hate Bengi Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Safrina Junita Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Helmiansyah Helmiansyah Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


Learning Media, Poster


Education is the basic capital in nation building. Students have different abilities in receiving
information. Learning media tend to be needed during the teaching and learning process in an
effort to facilitate the process of delivering information. In learning science in elementary schools,
especially in grade IV, there is a sub-theme of the wealth of energy sources which is considered a
little difficult for some students to understand, this is evidenced by the results of interviews that
researchers conducted with elementary school teachers in grade IV. This research is to find out 1)
to find out the development of poster media in the fourth grade science learning SD sub-theme
Energy Sources Wealth can improve students' cognitive abilities. (2) to determine the effectiveness
of the media developed by using poster media in science learning for class IV SD with the
subtheme of Energy Sources Wealth. This research is a development research with the ADDIE
development model. The results of (1) the development of poster media are obtained that the
validation of material experts is 85.6% in the very feasible category, the validation results of media
experts are 93.15% in the very appropriate category, and language validation experts of 93.3%
with a very decent category. Students' cognitive abilities increased with the average value of
students exceeding the KKM with an average value of 84.5, it can be seen that the development of
students' cognitive abilities after using poster media developed as expected. (2) The effectiveness of
the media developed using poster media in science learning for class IV SD with the subtheme
Wealth of Energy Sources Media posters have good quality, this is evidenced by the scores of
students who have been tested using the developed media poser

