
  • Taufiq Hidayat Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Zikrur Rahmat Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Munzir Munzir Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


Learning PJOK, Covid-19


The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on learning physical education, sports and health at
public junior high schools throughout the Seruway District, which was initially carried out face-toface in the classroom and had to switch to online or remote learning. This makes researchers
interested in conducting research on "the implementation of sports and health physical education
learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in State Junior High Schools in Seruway District". The
research formulation is: "How is the implementation of sports and health physical education
learning during the covid-19 pandemic in State Junior High Schools in Seruway District?". This
study aims to determine the implementation of sports and health physical education learning
during the COVID-19 pandemic in State Junior High Schools throughout the Seruway District.
The research approach used in this research is qualitative with survey method. The subjects of the
study were 5 teachers of physical education, sports and health at public junior high schools in
Seruway District. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires and observations. The data
analysis technique used is to calculate the average and calculate the percentage. Based on the
results of the research above, it can be seen that the implementation of sports and health physical
education learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in State Junior High Schools throughout the
Seruway District is explained in several indicators, namely 100% of teachers continue to provide
PJOK learning, 100% of teachers use online learning methods, 100% of PJOK learning is in
accordance with RPP, 80% uses whatsapp group learning media, 80% of students are enthusiastic
and participate well in learning, 80% of teachers work with parents of students so that the PJOK
learning process continues, 40% of teachers state that learning is in accordance with RPP and
40% of teachers said that in its implementation only part of the learning was in accordance with
RPP, 100% of the assessment was based on the collection of assignments and exams, 60% of
teachers said that online learning was ineffective, and 80% of the obstacles in online PJOK
learning were difficulties accessing the internet. Based on the results of the observation sheet
regarding the implementation of physical education, sports and health during the COVID-19
pandemic at State Junior High Schools throughout the Seruway District, the implementation of
learning during the Covid-19 period was in the GOOD category with a percentage of 92%.

