
  • Sumarni Surmani Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Yusrawati JR Simatupang Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Harfiandi Harfiandi Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


pepongoten, poetry structure, moral message


This research is related. This research aims to describe the physical structure,
inner structure and moral message of the pepongoten script. This study chose pepongoten
because pepongoten is an oral literature that has begun to be forgotten but has many good
messages for humans. The researcher only chose three pepongoten titles as objects of
study because in the three pepongoten titles the theme was about parents, namely the two
most meritorious people for a child. Three pepongoten analyzed were pepongoten Nasib
Ama Ine, pepongoten silsilah and pepongoten Manat. The method used is descriptive
qualitative method using the type of library research research. The data in this study are in
the form of words, sentences, and stanzas in pepongoten, while the data sources are in the
form of pepongoten texts. Data is collected, then classified according to the physical
elements, the inner moral message. The results of the research contained in the novel are
as follows: (1) Pepongoten Nasib Ama Ine physical structure is found to have seven
dictions, three concrete words, one figurative language, one imagination, intermittent
rhyme and blotches. Then also found the theme, taste, tone and atmosphere, and a
message. The moral messages found are human relations with God and human relations
with other humans. (2) pepongoten Silsilah of the physical structure found, has fourteen
dictions, three concrete words, one figurative language, one imagination, and cross
rhymes. Furthermore, the inner structure found is the theme, tone and atmosphere, taste
and a message. The moral messages found are human relations with God and human
relations with other humans. (3) pepongoten Manat physical structure found twelve
dictions, three concrete words, one figurative language, two crossed and jumbled rhyming
imaginations. Then the inner structure found is the theme, tone and atmosphere, taste and
two mandates. The moral messages found are the relationship between humans and God
and human relationships with other humans. The dominant element of fiction is diction
while the dominating inner element is the message in pepongoten how the poet conveys
messages through the script.

