Survey of Physical Education Learning Models at Elementary School 57 Banda Aceh During the Covid Pandemic


  • Fitri Handayani Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Zikrur Rahmat Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Didi Yudha Pranata Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


: Survey, Learning Model, Physical Education.


The learning model needs to be implanted optimally from the start, before the learning process is carried out, therefore the role of the teacher is needed to shape the character of the child. This study aims to make the learning models provided during the pandemic run smoothly and effectively used for the learning process and to analyze what obstacles teachers face in the learning process at SD Negeri 57 Banda Aceh. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type that is the subject of research is physical education teachers, principals and students. Data collected through interview techniques and supported by observation and documentation data. The data collected were analyzed using the model from Miles and Humbernam in Sugiyono, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions or verification. The results of the study show that: 1. Teachers have played a good role in the learning process with a very effective model used during the covid pandemic. 2. Physical education teachers have made children happy and active in the learning process. 3. There are no obstacles faced at this time but we don't know what will happen in the future because the learning process during the pandemic can seem like it will change, so we as teachers must always be creative in using learning models so that children don't get bored during the learning process.





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