vocabulary learning strategies used by the students of SMP Kartika Banda Aceh


  • Juli Maulidar universitas bina bangsa getsempena
  • Hijjatul Qamariah
  • Sariakin


Vocabulary Learning, Students’ Strategy, vocabulary learning strategies


This research focused on investigating the strategies used by the students in learning vocabulary. The purpose of this research was to categorize the vocabulary learning strategies used by the second grade students of SMP Kartika Banda Aceh. The researcher used descriptive quantitative as the method in this research. The questionnaire was used as the instrument. In this research, the population was the students of SMP Kartika Banda Aceh, meanwhile the researcher took the sample that consisted of 30 students. The researcher used total sampling to determine the sample since the total number of the students at VIII grade of SMP Kartika were 30 students and it was less than 100 in number, the researcher selected all the students became the sample of this research. Therefore, the total sample became the representative students and filled the questionaire. There were two aspects analyzed by the researcher such as initial learning of new word's meaning and studying and remembering the word's meaning once it is known. After analyzing the data, the researcher found that there were some strategies used by the students in the initial learning of new word's meaning and studying. They are using reference material, asking others for information/work with others, analyzing words from available information, avoidance. Meanwhile, in studying and remembering the word's meaning once it is known, there are some strategies. They are repetition, study the formal and grammatical aspects of a word, make and use study aids, using physical actions, manipulation of meaning, work with others, and imaging.

Keywords: Vocabulary Learning, Students’ Strategy






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