
  • Elika Rizki Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Elika Rizki Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Riza Oktariana Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Fitriah Hayati Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


busy book game, recognizing the concept of numbers


The concept of numbers is part of mathematics, it is necessary to develop numeracy skills that are
indispensable in everyday life, especially the concept of numbers which is also the basis for
developing mathematical skills and readiness to attend basic education. The formulation of the
problem in this study is focused on (1) How is the process of making busy book media to stimulate
the ability to recognize the concept of numbers in children, (2) What are the steps for the busy book
game to stimulate the ability to recognize the concept of numbers in children, and (3) the validity of
busy book media according to the expert. The research objectives were to determine (1) the process
of making the busy book, (2) the steps for the busy book game, and (3) the level of validity of the
busy book media by the expert. The type of research is R&D (Research and Development), the
research location is in Kindergarten Save The Kids Banda Aceh. The instrument used was a media
validation sheet by the teacher and the data were analyzed using the Likert scale percentage
formula. The results of this study indicate the level of validity of busy book media from each
validator in the early stages, namely: (1) B1 validator 95% (one teacher validation result), 95%
(two teacher validation result), (2) B2 validator 92.5 % (one teacher validation result), 90% (two
teacher validation result). And at the final validation stage, namely: (1) validator B1 97.5% (one
teacher validation result), 97.5% (two teacher validation results), (2) B2 validator 97.5% (one
teacher validation result) , 95% (two teacher validation results). Based on these data, it can be
concluded that the Busy Book Game Development to Stimulate Recognizing the Concept of
Numbers for 5-6 Years Old Children Kindergarten Save The Kids Banda Aceh is feasible to use.


Konsep bilangan merupakan bagian dari matematika, diperlukan untuk menumbuh
kembangkan keterampilan berhitung yang sangat diperlukan dalam kehidupan seharihari,

terutama konsep bilangan yang merupakan juga dasar bagi pengembangan
kemampuan matematika maupun kesiapan untuk mengikuti pendidikan dasar. Rumusan
masalah dalam penelitian ini difokuskan pada (1) Bagaimanakah proses pembuatan
media busy book untuk mentimulasi Kemampuanmengenal konsep bilangan pada anak,
(2) Bagaimanakah langkah-langkah permainan busy book untuk menstimulasi
kemampuanmengenal konsep bilangan pada anak, dan (3) Bagaimanakah tingkat
validitas media busy book menurut ahli. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui (1)
proses pembuatan busy book, (2) langkah-langkahpermainanbusy book, dan (3) tingkat
validitas media busy book oleh ahli. Jenis penelitian adalah R&D ( Research and
Development), lokasi penelitian di TK Save The Kids Banda Aceh. Instrumen yang
digunakan berupa lembar validasi media oleh guru dan data dianalisis dengan
menggunakan rumus persentase skala likert. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tingkat
kevalidan media busy book dari masing-masing validatorpadatahapawalyaitu: (1)
validator B1 95% (hasilvalidasi guru satu), 95% (hasilvalidasi guru dua), (2) validator B2
92,5% (hasilvalidasi guru satu), 90% (hasilvalidasi guru dua).Dan
padatahapvalidasiakhiryaitu : : (1) validator B1 97,5% (hasilvalidasi guru satu), 97,5%
(hasilvalidasi guru dua), (2) validator B2 97,5% (hasilvalidasi guru satu), 95%
(hasilvalidasi guru dua). Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa
Pengembangan PermainanBusy Book Untuk Menstimulasi Mengenal Konsep Bilangan
Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun TK Save The Kids Banda Aceh layak digunakan.


