The Influence of the Cooperative Script Learning Model on the Learning Outcomes of Class V Science Students at SDN 57 Bansda Aceh


  • Revna Yuni Famela Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Zahraini Zahraini Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Safrina Junita Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


Learning, Cooperative Script Model, Student Learning Outcomes


The Cooperative Script learning model is a learning model that develops cooperative efforts to achieve common goals. This learning is also made in the form of groups. It is hoped that students can improve their critical and creative thinking and develop a high level of social sense. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is an influence of the model cooperative scripton the learning outcomes of Class V Science students at SD Negeri 57 Banda Aceh. The research uses quantitative methods with an approach One Group Pretest-Poattest design.This research was conducted on students at SD Negeri 57 Banda Aceh with a total of 28 students. Data collection techniques were carried out using student learning outcomes tests and student activity observation sheets. Based on the research results, the pre-test learning results have an average overall score of 67.38, and the post-test learning resultstThe overall average score is 84.05. From the t test calculation, the t value is obtained table of 1.706 and t value countis 6.721 then tcount= 6.721 > ttable= 1.706. So it can be concluded that there is an influence of the use of learning models Cooperative Scriptson the learning outcomes of class V students at SD Negeri 57 Banda Aceh. Meanwhile, based on the N-gain score test, the N-gain score is 0.51, including the Medium category, and the results of observations on student activity obtained an overall percentage of 89.92% with the criteria "Very High". This is the use of learning models Cooperative Scriptson the learning outcomes of class V students at SD Negeri 57 Banda Aceh, which is very good for use in the classroom learning process. This is in accordance with the characteristics of learning using a learning model Cooperative Scripts namely giving students direct experience of what is in the surrounding environment and helping students to involve themselves actively






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