Improving Counting Through Number Block Games For Group B Children In Seulangan Daya Kindergarten


  • suwaibah suwaibah UBBG


Playing Method, Block Numbers, and Cognitive.


The problem of this study is that the development of numeracy skills in group B children at Seulanga Daya Kindergarten is not optimal due to the monotonous learning process. This should make the teacher in providing active and creative learning materials by playing, children can think more critically and logically like what children do, namely using symbols, classifying objects and sorting objects. The formulation of the problem in this study is how to increase the ability to count through the number block game in group B children of Seulanga Daya Kindergarten. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in numeracy skills through word number block games in group B children of Seulanga Daya Kindergarten. The research method used in this study was descriptive quantitative with 20 children in group B as the subject. Data collection methods that researchers do are observation and documentation. Data were analyzed by data reduction, data display and verification or drawing conclusions. The results showed that before the act of developing numeracy skills by 35% it increased in Cycle I by 70% and when it was continued in Cycle II it increased very rapidly to 92% so that it can be concluded that students were able to properly complete tasks in using symbols, classifying objects and sorting objects. This is evidenced by the large number of students who are active in carrying out tasks given by the teacher, both those who are able to work independently and those who still ask for the guidance of the teacher or friends, but they want to try because the material provided is in accordance with the child's world, namely playing with props. So, it is suggested for Seulanga Daya Kindergarten Teachers to improve the quality of learning by using interesting and varied methods accompanied by learning resources.






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