Analysis of social emotional development of group B1 children through hide and seek games in bungong seleupok kindergarten


  • Winda Malia UBBG


Social Emotional Development Through Hide And Seek Games


Social emotional development is the child's ability to adjust to the social environment, such as being responsible for tasks, sharing with friends, obeying rules in an activity, playing with peers, being able to control feelings naturally, showing self-ability to adapt to situations and being able to understand the feelings of others, through play activities. This study aims to determine the social emotional development of group B1 children through traditional hide-and-seek games and to determine the obstacles in stimulating the social-emotional development of group B1 children through traditional hide-and-seek games in Bungong Seleupok Kindergarten. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The subjects of the research were teachers and children in group B1 which consisted of 2 teachers and 16 children. Namely 10 boys and 6 girls. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews and documentation. Data is analyzed using Miles and Huberman, namely data collection by reducing data, displaying data and drawing conclusions (2014). The results of the study showed that the social emotional development of group B1 children in Bungong Seleupok Kindergarten was in the beginning to develop category (MB). This can be seen from 15% of BB children, 65% of MB children and 20% of BSH children. Through research activities obeying the rules of hide and seek games, obeying class rules, being patient waiting for their turn in the game, accepting defeat naturally, being patient waiting for their turn in class activities, not fighting over with friends during class activities, having a confident attitude in the game and have a confident attitude in learning.






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