Pengembangan Media Pop-Up Book Berbasis Saintifik Pada Materi Ekosistem Di SDN mESJID lHEU

Pengembangan Media Pop-Up Book Berbasis Saintifik Pada Materi Ekosistem Di SDN MESJID lHEU


  • ririn amaliah mutmainah


Media Development, Pop Up Books, Scientific Based, Media Development, Pop Up Books, Scientific Based, Food Chain Ecosystems


The main education obtained in the school environment is learning. Learning that begins with an approach will create a learning atmosphere that is designed so that students actively develop their potential. The purpose of this study was to produce Pop Up Book learning media that is suitable for use in science subjects, especially food chain ecosystem material for fifth grade elementary school students. Learning with a scientific approach is a learning model that provides space for students to collaborate directly on subject matter. The development of scientific-based learning media is expected to help improve students' thinking skills actively. The research conducted is a type of research and development or Research And Development (R&D) model for developing this learning media using ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development and Implementation, Evaluation). Based on the assessment of media experts as a whole, a percentage of 91% was obtained and was declared very feasible. Based on the teacher's response, a score of 96% was obtained and the results of student responses obtained a score of 98%. It can be categorized that the Pop Up Book learning media is a practical learning media for students. For student learning outcomes to obtain a score of 100%, this can be categorized as a very effective Pop Up Book learning medium for students. Based on the results of the development carried out, it can be said that the Pop Up Book learning media is "very feasible, very practical, and very effective" for use in elementary schools.






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