Analisis Kecerdasan Interpersonal Anak Kelompok B3 di TK FKIP Unsyiah Banda Aceh

Analisis Kecerdasan Interpersonal Anak Kelompok B3 di TK FKIP Unsyiah Banda Aceh


  • yunita okta universitas bina bangsa getsempena


Analysis, Child Interpersonal Intelligence.



Based on the researchers' initial observations in group B TKIP Unsyiah, which consisted of 20 children, it turned out that only 4 children (20%) had good interpersonal intelligence. These children are able to take the initiative to interact and communicate smoothly with their friends. On the other hand, there were 16 children (80%) who had poor interpersonal intelligence so they were unable to interact and communicate smoothly with other people. Even to talk to the teacher or play with their friends at school, they don't have the maximum ability and courage. Likewise, when asked to share their daily experiences at home, these children were relatively silent without being able to do what the teacher ordered. This study aims: 1) To find out the interpersonal intelligence of Group B children at TK FKIP Unsyiah Banda Aceh, 2) To find out the activities used to stimulate the interpersonal intelligence of Group B children at Kindergarten FKIP Unsyiah Banda Aceh. This study uses a qualitative approach. The data used in this study were obtained from interviews with group B teachers at TK FKIP Unsyiah Banda Aceh, totaling 3 people. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews and documentation. The research results show that the development of children in terms of playing together, interacting with other friends, and respecting their friends, showing sympathy for their friends, being sensitive to the emotions of others and helping others is good. The teacher's efforts in developing interpersonal intelligence in group B kindergarten students at FKIP Unsyiah Banda Aceh are by instilling religious values such as good behavior and respect for parents. The obstacle in developing interpersonal intelligence for group B kindergarten students at FKIP Unsyiah Banda Aceh is that it depends on the child, because there are children who understand quickly and there are those who are slow. If the child is slow to understand, the teacher must first repeat it many times regularly.







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