Analisis Sosiopolitik dalam Novel LAMPUKI Karya Arafat Nur


  • Raihana Raihana Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


Novel, Sosiopolitik, sastra


Literary work is a form of reflection of people's lives. This means that the story built by a literary work, whether in prose, novels, poetry, or drama, is a picture of the existing social environment. Novels in a sociopolitical view are political documents because basically literary works are a direct reflection of various aspects of the structure of the conflict between society and politics. The Lampuki novel tells how the sociopolitical conflict faced by an Acehnese community was caused by the war period in Aceh. The purpose of this study is "To find out the sociopolitical picture in the novel Lampuki by Arafat Nur". The qualitative research method is a research method based on the philosophy of postpositivism. The type of this research is descriptive research. The author in studying sociopolitical conflict in the novel Lampuki by Arafat Nur uses a literary sociology approach which is supported by sociopolitical science theories. The data in this study are data in the form of words, expressions, and sentences contained in the novel Lampuki by Arafat Nur which contains socio-political issues. The research technique that will be carried out in this research is literature study techniques and data analysis techniques. The data collection technique used in this research is a literature study. The results of the study are that the socio-politics contained in the Lampuki Novel are social aspects, namely conflicts that occur between people or a person and society. This conflict arises from individual attitudes towards the social environment regarding various problems that occur in society. The manifestation of the sociopolitical aspect described by the author in the novel Lampuki is based on social conflict which consists of personal conflict, group conflict, conflict between social classes, political conflict, and cultural conflict. However, racial conflict is not found in the novel. And the political conflicts found in the Lampuki novel include; the community against the army, the Laskar Sagoe Peurincun group against the army, the community against the central government, and internal military conflict.






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