Sepak bola Evaluasi Keterampilan Teknik Mengoper Bola Pada Permainan Sepakbola Klub MUTIARA RAYA FC Beureunuen Kabupaten Pidie Tahun 2022

Evaluasi Keterampilan Teknik Mengoper Bola Pada Permainan Sepakbola Klub MUTIARA RAYA FC Beureunuen Kabupaten Pidie Tahun 2022




Tehnik Mengoper Bola Pada Club Mutiara Raya


  1. Zaianal Arifin 2023, Evaluation of Technical Skills for Passing the Ball in the Football Game for Club Mutiara Raya Fc Beureunuen, Pidie Regency. The Teaching Faculty of Science, Physical Education Study Program, Bina Bangsa University Getsempena.


Football is one of the most popular sports in the world, from children to adults who play soccer in one of these sports. This can be seen from the many football fields and clubs fostered from an early age to clubs that compete in amateur and professional leagues. Football is not only played by men, there are also women who play it. Even though basically football is done for sport, with the popularity and rapid progress in the field of football, many people choose the field of football to excel in order to earn income. Football is one of the sports that demands high skill techniques in the game. This research was conducted on December 17, 2022 at the Lambhuk football field, where researchers conducted research the day after the Geuchik Lambhuk Cup 2022 match, which was SSB Mutiara Raya FC Beureunuen participants who took part in the tournament. The purpose of this study was to find out the technical skills of passing the ball in the 2021 MUTIARA RAYA FC Beureunuen Football Club Pidie Regency. This research is a descriptive study using a survey method. interviews and so on. The results of this study indicate that an average value of 18% was achieved where the value obtained was 11 so that the results of the equations obtained in the good category were 18% and the moderate category was 46% while the less category was 36%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the technical ability of passing football at the Mutiara Raya FC Beureunnuen club in 2022 is “Less.

Keywords: Technique of passing the ball at the Mutiara Raya Club






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