
  • Liam Mursyida Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


Prose, Values, Literature.


Literary work is one of the creations of humans. The creator of literary works is also called the author. Literary work is one of the media to express the author's thoughts. A literary work cannot be separated from the description of human life, especially the life of the author himself. Literary work is divided into two forms, namely fiction and non-fiction which continue to develop over time. The formulation of the problem from this research is how to analyze the values ​​in the collection of selected short stories for 2021 "Holy Family". The purpose of this study is to find out the values ​​contained in the collection of short stories from Kompas 2021. The research method is a qualitative descriptive research type. In accordance with the results of the research in the previous discussion regarding cultural values ​​according to Suherli in the Kompas 2021 Selected Short Story Collection "Holy Family". So it can be concluded that these short stories have a lot of cultural values ​​according to Suherli cultural values ​​are values ​​taken from culture that have developed for generations in society (related to Malay culture). The distinctive feature of cultural values ​​compared to other values ​​is society afraid to leave or oppose these values ​​because "afraid" something bad will happen to them. While moral values ​​are values ​​related to moral issues. Basically, moral values ​​relate to advice related to manners, behavior, or morals that readers can get from the stories they read or enjoy. Based on cultural analysis, there are several short stories that contain several traditions or customs that are believed or feared if they do not follow the traditions of these places. An analysis of moral values ​​in the Kompas 2021 Selected Short Story Collection, "Holy Family", is in the form of 1) in the moral values ​​of human relations with oneself, there are three values, namely the value of patience, the value of compassion, and the value of honesty. 2) in the moral values ​​of human relations with society, there are four moral values, namely the value of responsibility, the value of justice, the value of mutual assistance, and the value of advice.






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