a the influence of mock media based on Islamic stories in improving the speaking skills of children aged 5-6 years at PAUD IK Nurul Quran



  • Defi Gita_Arisandi Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena


Kata kunci: upaya guru kemandirian, anak usia dini


Independence of children's behavior and abilities in physical abilities, self-confidence, responsibility, discipline, sociable, willing to share, and controlling emotions. Or the child's attitude or ability to make choices according to decisions and accept the consequences that accompany them so that children are able to take care of themselves according to their development. Independence is very important to develop in children from an early age because the provision of independence that they get when they are small will shape them into individuals who are independent, intelligent, strong, and confident when they reach adulthood, so that they will be ready to face a good future. Learning in increasing a sense of independence in children aged 3-4 years at 5 Tibang Public Kindergarten, Banda Aceh City. For this reason, the goal to be achieved in this study is to find out how the teacher's efforts to instill independence in early childhood in group A as the subject of this study amounted to 18 children, the research method used was a qualitative research method with data collection techniques using observation, interview and documentation methods. The findings from this study are that the teacher's role in training children's independence is by guiding, directing, providing concrete examples so that children can imitate and practice directly, giving freedom and confidence to learn and try on their own, and motivating children so that children can get used to doing it on their own, such as children are able to store bags and shoes in their places, can open their own lunch and drink bottles, can be patient when waiting for their turn to wash their hands, can tidy up toys, can finish work on their own until finished. The results of the study show that the learning strategies in schools carried out by teachers in increasing independence in children can be declared successful and develop well through habituation to children.






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