Pengaruh keterampilan membaca permulaan melalui metode struktural analitik sintetik (SAS) dengan media big book pada siswa kelas 1 SD negeri 55 Banda Aceh


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Metode Struktural Analitik Sintetik (SAS), Media Big Book, Keterampilan membaca siswa.


Classroom learning is still less effective in improving students' skills in reading. In learning the teacher still gives examples of reading and students are told to imitate. So that students who cannot read just remember the teacher's words without paying attention to the existing series of letters. When students are told to read in turn, it often happens that what students say does not match the series of letters they are reading. What is said is sometimes confused with the reading above or below it. At the beginning of learning to read, students were still enthusiastic about participating in learning, but after 30 minutes, some students started not paying attention to the teacher, students were talking to their friends, and some were running around inside and outside the classroom. Therefore, learning needs to be more interesting, namely by learning through a variety of methods according to the conditions of students. The formulation of the problem in this study is: 1) Does the use of the Synthetic Structural Analytical Method (SAS) with Big Book media affect the initial reading skills of class I students at SD Negeri 55 Banda Aceh? 2) What are the student activities in learning to read beginning through the Synthetic Structural Analytical Method (SAS) with Big Book media in class I SD Negeri 55 Banda Aceh? 3) What is the teacher's activity in improving students' beginning reading skills through the Synthetic Structural Analytic (SAS) method with Big Book media in class I students at SD Negeri 55 Banda Aceh? The research method used was experimental research with a one-group pre-test design. post-test design. The sample in this study were fourth grade students at SDN 55 Banda Aceh, totaling 34 students. The instruments in this study were pre-test and post-test. The results of the study showed that the results of data processing on the average pretest (pretest) in the previous section concluded that the initial ability (pretest) in acquiring students' Beginning Reading skills was in the less category and below the KKM. Learning using the Synthetic Structural Analytical (SAS) method with Big Book media also brings students to reach the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. The application of the Synthetic Structural Analytical Method (SAS) with the applied Big Book media provides opportunities for students to develop their thinking skills through discussion activities, and group collaboration in ongoing learning. So it is expected that teachers use the Synthetic Structural Analytic (SAS) method with Big Book media in improving students' reading skills.






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