Hubungan antara Modalitas dengan Metode Bermain Peran untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Siswa Kelas V SD NEGERI 55 BANDA ACEH


  • Nuri Wulandari Nuri Wulandari, Akmaluddin, Helminsyah


Keywords: Learning Modalities, Role Playing Methods, Student Learning Outcomes



Nuri Wulandari, 2023,The Relationship Between Modality and Role Playing Methods to Improve Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes for Fifth Grade Students at SD Negeri 55 Banda Aceh. Supervisor I. Dr. Akmaluddin, S.Pd.I., M.Pd

Advisor II. Helminsyah, M.Pd


This study aims to determine the relationship between modality and the role playing method to improve the learning outcomes of Indonesian for Class V SD Negeri 55 Banda Aceh. The problem in this study is that based on the survey results from the interviews that have been conducted, there are several factors that influence students' learning outcomes in Indonesian. Therefore we need a learning method that is appropriate and appropriate so that students can be interested in participating actively in the process of teaching and learning activities. Here the researcher chooses a role playing method that will be linked to the modality or student learning style. The researcher chose the role playing method because this method would involve students to be physically active in their learning activities. So that students do not only listen, take notes and work on questions. But students will also be involved in games that can train focus, speech, and students' self-confidence. This research is a quantitative research using primary data sources. The results showed that the results of testing the hypothesis using the t-test formula, obtained the value of tcount on the learning modality variable = 3.458 and on the role playing method variable the value of tcount = 4.883. T distribution table at a significance level of 0.05 obtained ttable = 1.69236. Because tcount > ttable, namely 3.458 > 1.69236 and 4.883 > 1.69236, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected Ha is accepted, meaning that the score of Indonesian learning outcomes after being given treatment is higher than the scores of students' Indonesian learning outcomes before being given treatment. The results of the analysis above show that there is a relationship between learning modalities and role-playing methods influencing student learning outcomes in Class V Indonesian Language at SD Negeri 55 Banda Aceh. In line with the results of research conducted.







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