Kata Kunci:
Peran Guru, Pembiasaan Ibadah Shalat Dhuha, Anak Usia DiniAbstrak
Early childhood is a child who is in the range of birth to 8 years of age. The teacher acts as a teaching
designer, teaching manager, and as a student guide. Duha prayer is the sunnah prayer performed by a
Muslim during dhua time. The formulation of the problem in this study: what is the role of the teacher
in habituation of dhuha prayer in early childhood at Kindergarten Save The Kids Banda Aceh, what
are the supporting factors for the role of teachers in habituation of dhuha prayer in early childhood at Save The Kids Banda Aceh Kindergarten, what are the obstacles? Obstacles to the role of the teacher in
habituating the dhuha prayer in early childhood at Save The Kids Kindergarten. The research objective
was to determine the role of teachers in habituation of dhuha prayer in early childhood at Tk Save The
Kids Banda Aceh, to determine the factors supporting the role of teachers in habituation of dhuha
prayer in early childhood at Tk Save The Kids Banda Aceh, to find out the obstacles the role of teachers
in the habituation of dhuha prayer in early childhood at Tk Save The Kids Banda Aceh. Based on the
results of observations, this study uses descriptive qualitative research. The research was conducted on
November 27-28, 2020. At Save The Kids Kindergarten Jalan Tuan Keramat, No 4, East Lamtemen,
Jaya Baru District. Subjects in this study were 7 respondents (teachers). The instruments used were
interviews, observation and documentation. Data collection techniques through interviews
observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the role of teachers at Save The
Kids Kindergarten in the Habit of Praying Dhuha in Early Childhood is very important because it can
train children to apply it in their lives. Factors supporting the role of the teacher in habituation of
dhuha prayers such as facilities and infrastructure for prayer equipment are very helpful. The
constraints of the teacher's role in habituation of the Duha prayer where the children still do not really
understand the procedures for the Duha prayer worship or the reading.
Anak usia dini adalah anak yang berada pada rentang usia lahir sampai usia 8 tahun. Guru
berperan sebagai perancang pengajaran, pengelola pengajaran, dan sebagai pembimbing
siswa. Shalat dhuha adalah shalat sunnah yang dilakukan seorang muslim ketika waktu
dhua. Rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini: bagaimana peran guru dalam pembiasaan
ibadah shalat dhuha pada anak usia dini di Tk Save The Kids Banda Aceh, apa faktor
pendukung peran guru dalam pembiasaan ibadah shalat dhuha pada anak usia dini di TK
Save The Kids Banda Aceh, bagaimana kendala-kendala peran guru dalam pembiasaan
ibadah shalat dhuha pada anak usia dini di TK Save The Kids. Tujuan penelitian adalah
untuk mengetahui peran guru dalam pembiasaan ibadah shalat dhuha pada anak usia dini
di Tk Save The Kids Banda Aceh, untuk mengetahui faktor pendukung peran guru dalam
pembiasaan ibadah shalat dhuha pada anak usia dini di Tk Save The Kids Banda Aceh,
untuk mengetahui kendala peran guru dalam pembiasaan ibadah shalat dhuha pada anak
usia dini di Tk Save The Kids Banda Aceh. Berdasarkan hasil observasi penelitian ini
menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Waktu penelitian dilakukan pada tanggal
27-28 November 2020. Di TK Save The Kids Jalan Tuan Keramat, No 4, Lamtemen Timur,
Kecamatan Jaya Baru. Subjek pada penelitian ini 7 orang responden (guru). Instrumen yang
di gunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Tehnik pengumpulan data melalui
Wawancara, Observasi dan Dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Peran
Guru di TK Save The Kids Dalam Pembiasaan Ibadah Shalat Dhuha Pada Anak Usia Dini
yang dilakukan sangatlah penting karena dapat melatih anak untuk diterapkan pada
kehidupannya. Faktor pendukung peran guru dalam pembiasaan shalat dhuha seperti
sarana dan prasarana perlengkapan shalat sangat membantu. Kendala-kendala peran guru
dalam pembiasaan ibadah shalat dhuha dimana anak masi belum terlalu paham tatacara
ibadah shalat dhuha maupun bacaannya.
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