he effectiveness of the application of cognitive behavior therapy in patients with auditory hallucinations at the Aceh Mental Hospital


  • Intan Mouliza ubbg
  • Eridha Putra
  • Lili Kasmini


Keywords : Cognitive Behavior Therapy Reference : 2 Books (2011-2014) 16 Journals (2016-2021)


Auditory hallucinations are stimulation disorders in which a person who experiences auditory hallucinations can hear voices, especially the voices of people, usually the patient hears the voices of people who are talking about what they think and ordering them to do something. The formulation of the problem in this study is "What is the Effectiveness of the Application of Cognitive Behavior Therapy in patients with auditory hallucinations at the Aceh Mental Hospital. The research design used is a quantitative approach with a pre-post-test design with the research subject being patients with auditory hallucinations. The sampling technique used is accidental sampling based on the coincidence of patients who are willing to be respondents with a total of 19 people. The results of this study p-value 0.000 (0.000 <0.05) showed a significant comparison of giving cognitive behavior therapy before (pre-test) and after (post-test). Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that there are differences before giving cognitive behavior therapy and after giving cognitive behavior therapy because respondents who have been given therapy with 3 aspects, namely cognitive, affective, psychomotor.

Keywords : Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Reference : 2 Books (2011-2014) 16 Journals (2016-2021)




